Quantum Mechanics I

Course description

First in a sequence with PHYS425, this course provides introduction to basic principles and applications of quantum mechanics with an emphasis on formalism of quantum mechanics. Schroedinger equation is solved for simple cases such as free-particle motion, simple harmonic oscillator and hydrogen atom, with a basic treatment of angular momentum. The course textbook: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, David J. Griffiths, Second Edition, Chapters  covered: 1-4.

Lecture 1

The Schrödinger equation. Wave function. Measurement. Probability.

Lecture 2

Normalization of the wave function. Expectation values. Exercise 1

Lecture 3

Momentum. Uncertainty Principle. Exercise 2. Stationary states. Time-independent Schrödinger equation

Lecture 4

The infinite square well 

Lecture 5

The infinite square well. Superposition of states

Lecture 6

The harmonic oscillator (algebraic method), Exercise 3

Lecture 7

The harmonic oscillator (analytic method), Exercise 4 

Lecture 8

The harmonic oscillator (review) 


Lecture 9

The free particle

Lecture 10

The free particle. The delta-function potential

Lecture 11

Examples of problem solving

Lecture 12

The delta-function potential. Exercise 5  

Lecture 13

The finite square well. Exercise 6 

Lecture 14

The formalism of quantum mechanics. Exercise 7 

Lecture 15

The formalism of quantum mechanics contd.  

Lecture 16

Problem solving  

Lecture 17

Quantum mechanics in three dimensions

Lecture 18

The hydrogen atom 

Lecture 19

The hydrogen atom contd.

Lectures 20 - 21

Transitions between hydrogen stationary states.

The angular momentum 

Lecture 22

Orbital angular momentum. Spin. Exercise 8 

Lecture 23

Spin. Problem solving. Exercises 9 and 10.

Lecture 24

Stern-Gerlach experiment. Addition of the angular momenta

Lecture 25

Addition of the angular momenta.

Clebsch-Gordon coefficients. Exercises 11 and 12.

Lecture 26

Course review