Quantum Mechanics II

Course description

Second in a sequence with PHYS 424 that provides introduction to basic principles and applications of quantum mechanics. Emphasis on approximation methods with illustrative applications. Topics include: time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, variational principle, WKB approximation, and introduction to scattering. The course textbook: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, David J. Griffiths, Second Edition, Chapters  covered (some partially): 5-8, 11.

Lectures 1 -2

Review of angular momentum. Addition of the angular momenta.

Lecture 3

Two-particle systems

Lecture 4

Review of hydrogen and helium atoms. Periodic table

Lecture 5

 Solids: Free electron gas

Lecture 6

Degeneracy pressure. Solids: Band structure

Lecture 7

Quantum statistical mechanics

Lecture 8

Quantum statistical mechanics contd.

Lecture 9

Nondegenerate perturbation theory

Lecture 10

Problem solving. Degenerate perturbation theory

Lecture 11

Perturbation theory. Problem solving

Lecture 12

The variational principle

Lecture 13

The variational principle. Helium atom

Lecture 14

The Helium atom continued. The WKB approximation

Lecture 15

The WKB approximation

Lecture 16

The WKB approximation. Alpha decay. Problem solving. 

Lecture 17

WKB approximation, connection formulas.

Lecture 18


Lecture 19

Quantum scattering theory. Partial wave analysis.

Lecture 20

Scattering. The Born approximation

Lecture 21

Time-dependent perturbation theory

Lecture 22

Emission and absorption of radiation. Lasers

Lecture 23
