The goals of fundamental physics research are to discover and explore the physical laws governing matter, space, and time. Our group explores a wide range of research topics including applications of quantum technologies to search for physics beyond the standard model of elementary particles and fields, development of atomic and nuclear clocks and their applications, fundamental physics with quantum sensors in space, dark matter searches, ultra-cold atoms and quantum information, studies of fundamental symmetries, quantum many-body theory and development of high-precision relativistic atomic codes, development of the online atomic data portal, highly-charged ions, atomic anions, superheavy atoms, and other topics.
Research topics
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Supported by the NSF, ONR, and ERC

Our work is presently supported by NSF grants 2326810, OMA-2016244, PHY-2012068, OAC-2209639, PHY- 2309254, ONR Grant No. N00014-20-1-2513, and ERC European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant Agreement No. 856415).