Our Team

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware


Professor Marianna Safronova
Principal Investigator

Marianna Safronova is a Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware and an Adjunct Fellow of the Joint Quantum Institute, NIST and the University of Maryland, USA. She earned her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Notre Dame, USA in 2001 and joined the faculty of University of Delaware in 2003. She a Fellow of the American Physical Society and 2018-2019 Chair of APS Division of the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (DAMOP).

Email: msafrono@udel.edu


Dr. Sergey Porsev
Research Associate III


Dr. Dmytro Filin
Research Associate III


Dr. Charles Cheung


Dr. Jason Arakawa


Muhammad Hani Zaheer
Graduate Student

Recent graduates

Dr. Charles Cheung
Ph.D. 2021

Postdoc, University of Delaware

Dr. Aung Naing Ph.D. 2021

Postdoc Colorado State University

Adam Marrs
M.S. 2021
Data Analyst Consultant, Flywheel Development, D.C

Rudolf Eigenmann

Professor, University of Delaware, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Bindiya Arora

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada (PSI fellow),
Guru Nanak Dev University, Department of Physics, India

Parinaz Barakhshan

Graduate student, University of Delaware, Computer Engineering

Akshay Bhosale

Graduate student, University of Delaware, Computer Engineering

Amani Kiruga

University of Delaware (Undergraduate Computer Science)

2008 Group Photo

Left to right: Rupsi Pal, Dansha Jiang, Bindiya Arora, Marianna Safronova, Eugeniya Tchoukova